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How to Ask for Help

Caregivers stand with patients to provide critical emotional and physical support and care that enables cancer patients to complete their treatment. Your role is vital and can be overwhelming. Many people will offer. Graciously let them assist you and the patient.

While you may not have an immediate answer, don’t be afraid to follow up with them later to take them up on the offer. Many people want to assist but don’t know what would be most useful. Give them something specific to do. They will feel useful and your burden will be lessened. Here are some ideas of how people can help:

  • Help you get organized for your new role
  • Do something with the patient that you both enjoy
  • Drop off supplies for a favorite hobby (such as knitting yarn or a new book)
  • Take your kids for a play date
  • Pick up groceries
  • Fill your car with gas/take them for servicing
  • Run errands
  • Organize friends to provide dinner on appointment days
  • Mow the lawn
  • Help with house cleaning
  • Drive the patient to a medical appointment
  • Transport kids to school and activities on a regular basis
  • Help fill out insurance and other paperwork
  • Provide “handyman” services
  • Create an online page to keep family and friends updated and help post regularly
  • Research resources for you
  • Request help with professional services, such as accounting
  • Walk the dog and take care of pets
  • Do the laundry
  • Stay with the patient to give you a few hours for yourself