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James E. Masch: A Symphony of Ink and Resilience

James Masch

“But this story isn’t just about accolades. It’s about the collective gifts — the doctors, nurses, and office angels who worked tirelessly to keep me fighting, James said.”

James Masch
Head & Neck Cancer

James E. Masch’s life has been a canvas, painted with the vibrant hues of creativity, resilience, and hope. From the earliest days of his childhood, art was an inseparable part of his existence — a persistent itch that never waned. As he hiked, rode his bike, and explored the untamed landscapes of his neighborhood, James observed the world with an artist’s eye. The texture of tree bark, the flight of birds, and the movement of clouds — all became brushstrokes in the masterpiece of his memories.

His school years were marked by a different kind of rebellion — one that involved pencils and pens rather than typical teenage antics.

"I was the one always sketching, lost in the lines and curves of my imagination,” James said.

His high school art teacher recognized his talent and guided him not only in technique but also in life. Little did James know that this gift of drawing would be his lifelong companion — a creative outlet that would sustain him through both professional endeavors and personal trials.

The Diagnosis: A Brushstroke of Fate

As responsibilities took precedence over dreams, James found himself balancing marriage, parenthood, and a demanding career. Yet, art remained woven into the fabric of his existence. Even when he couldn’t put pen to paper, he expressed himself through landscape gardening — shaping flower beds that attracted birds and butterflies. The colors and forms he cultivated mirrored the beauty he saw in the world.

Then, in 2019, came the diagnosis: head and neck cancer. Suddenly, James faced a challenge he hadn’t anticipated — one that required courage, strength, and hope. “Cancer is definitely something no one plans on in life,” he said. Now oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma threatened to silence his voice forever.

Following his diagnosis, James started treatment with Dr. Phillip A. Kovoor, M.D., at Texas Oncology‒Plano West and Dr. William F. McNamara, M.D., FACS, at Texas Oncology Surgical Specialists–Medical City Dallas. He underwent surgery, radiation, and rounds of chemotherapy.

“James refused to be muted,” Dr. McNamara said. “Instead, he picked up a different kind of instrument and began to write his own story. It’s a story of true resilience that continues to play out."

Art: The Silent Companion

It was James’s own artistic spirit that truly saved him. As he grappled with cancer, he turned to his lifelong passion. Art became his sanctuary: “It allowed my mind to be free, to be at peace, to create, to think, to understand, and to be appreciative of each day as I fight my cancer battle,” he said. Each day, he fought not only for survival but also for the chance to share his gifts with others.

James’s exquisite pen-and-ink artworks are currently on display at the “Jump into Spring” Art Exhibit hosted by the ArtReach Gallery in Watson Hall, Dallas. He was honored with a Judge’s Choice Award for his exceptional contributions.

"But this story isn’t just about accolades. It’s about the collective gifts — the doctors, nurses, and office angels who worked tirelessly to keep me fighting,” James said. “Their artforms saves lives. And granted me time to inspire, to breathe life into the hearts of those who walk similar paths as mine."

His journey is a testament to the healing power of creativity. His art, once a childhood itch, now stands as a beacon of resilience. Through pain and uncertainty, he continues to paint his story — one stroke at a time. And in doing so, James reminds us all to seek the gifts hidden within life’s challenges, to appreciate each day, and to share our light with the world.

The information included in this testimonial is based on one patient’s unique experience and is not intended to represent all patient outcomes or expectations.