texas oncology more breakthroughs. more victories
Over 100 Texans have become sick with measles recently. To protect our patients and staff, we ask that patients and caregivers avoid coming in to our clinics if they have been near someone with measles, have been diagnosed with measles, or have any symptoms of infection like a fever or a rash. If any of these apply to you and you have a visit booked, please contact your clinic to let them know and book a virtual visit (telehealth) instead. Learn more about how to recognize measles and what you can do to stay safe. View More Important Notifications x
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Research Collaboration

Texas Oncology works closely with the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group® to provide clinical trials in radiation therapy to our patients. Recognized for its leadership in working to increase survival and improve the quality of life for cancer patients, RTOG is a key clinical research component of the American College of Radiology (ACR) and serves as a multi-institutional, international clinical cooperative group funded primarily by the National Cancer Institute.

RTOG is the leading multicenter research organization systematically testing novel radiotherapy approaches against cancer, including quality of life research and research conducted with other types of cancer treatment.

Find radiation oncology clinical trials available at your location.